3.1 Console mode

Hollywood can also be used from the console. Actually, the GUIs that ship with the Amiga, Linux, and macOS versions as well as the IDE that ships with the Windows version of Hollywood are just front-ends for the Hollywood interpreter which is a console program. Thus, you can also use Hollywood from the console and of course you can also develop console programs with Hollywood since Hollywood has an extensive console library. Here's an overview of where you can find the Hollywood interpreter that can be started from the console:

Once you know how to start Hollywood from the console, you could then ask it to print a list of all available options by passing the ‘-help’ argument to it. On Windows, this could be done like this:

cd "C:/Program Files/Hollywood"
Hollywood_Console.exe -help

On Linux like this:

cd <Hollywood-installation-directory>
./Interpreter -help

On macOS like this:

cd /Applications/Hollywood.app/Contents/Resources
./HollywoodInterpreter.app/Contents/MacOS/Hollywood -help

And on AmigaOS like this:

Hollywood -help

Passing ‘-help’ to Hollywood will print a comprehensive list of all available console arguments. See Console arguments for details. If you omit the ‘-help’ argument, Hollywood will open a file requester prompting you to select a Hollywood script or applet to run.

If you want to start a Hollywood script from the console, you could use the following commands on Windows:

cd "C:/Program Files/Hollywood"
Hollywood_Console.exe script.hws

The same is possible on the other platforms, see above.

It is important to know that all of Hollywood's features are available from the console as well. After all, the Windows, Amiga, Linux and macOS GUIs for Hollywood are just front-ends for the console-based main program too. Thus, you can do everything from the command line as well. For example, here is how you would ask Hollywood to compile test.hws into an AmigaOS3 executable on Linux:

cd <Hollywood-installation-directory>
./Interpreter test.hws -compile ~/MyTest_AmigaOS3 -exetype classic

See Console arguments for a detailed description of all command-line parameters.

Note that on AmigaOS and compatible systems Hollywood is automatically added to your path upon installation. Thus, you can simply type Hollywood in the console and Hollywood will be started - no matter where you installed the program.

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