28.3 Error codes

By default, Hollywood will always exit when an error occurs. You can change this behaviour by using the ExitOnError() and GetLastError() functions, or by installing a custom error handler using RaiseOnError(). Both ways will supply you with an error code that indicates the error that has just happened. Here is a list of all error codes currently defined by Hollywood (some error codes are no longer used but have to be kept for compatibility reasons):

No error (0)
Out of memory! (1000)
Unimplemented command! (1001)
No return value specified! (1002)
User abort! (1003)
Error opening screen! (1004)
Could not write all characters to file! Check if there is enough free space! (1005)
Unterminated string! (1006)
Unknown condition! (1007)
Multiple commands in one line have to be separated by a colon! (1008)
Could not read all characters from file! Check if it is read protected! (1009)
Unable to open window! (1010)
ELSE without IF! (1011)
ENDIF without IF! (1012)
IF without ENDIF! (1013)
Not enough arguments! (1014)
FOR without NEXT! (1015)
NEXT without FOR! (1016)
WHILE without WEND! (1017)
General syntax error! (1018)
Wrong data type specified! (1019)
Syntax error in variable name! (1020)
WEND without WHILE! (1021)
Unknown command %s ! (1022)
You specified too many arguments or forgot a close bracket! (1023)
Value expected! (1024)
Cannot open %s ! (1025)
Variable expected! (1026)
Labels within a For() loop are not allowed! (1027)
Labels inside If() conditions are not allowed! (1028)
Labels within a While() loop are not allowed! (1029)
Wrong operator for this type! (1030)
Cannot open icon! (1031)
You need to specify a Hollywood event! (1032)
Cannot create empty text objects! (1033)
Your script is empty! (1034)
Incoherent comment structure! (1035)
This variable was already used and initialized! (1036)
Illegal float number format! (1037)
You need to specify an array field! (1038)
Specified array field is out of range! (1039)
Return without Gosub! (1040)
Requested object not found! (1041)
Constant not found! (1042)
Error locking directory! (1043)
Cannot load picture %s! Make sure that you have a datatype for this format! (1044)
Cannot read file %s ! (1045)
Module is not in Protracker format! (1046)
Unknown sequence character after backslash! (1047)
Error locking directory %s ! (1048)
Unknown keyword! (1049)
You need at least Kickstart 3.0! (1050)
You cannot free the background picture that is currently displayed! (1051)
Cannot write to file %s ! (1052)
This script requires at least Hollywood %s ! (1053)
This command does not return anything! (1054)
Wrong usage/parameters for this command! Read the documentation! (1055)
This command cannot be used when SelectBGPic() is active! (1056)
Array "%s[]" was not declared! (1057)
This variable name is already used by a command! (1058)
No script filename specified! (1059)
Wrong arguments specified! (1060)
Double declaration! Number already assigned previously! (1061)
Equal sign expected! (1062)
Cannot load animation! Make sure that you got at least version 40 of animation.datatype and realtime.library! Please note that MorphOS does not have a datatype for IFF ANIM files currently. So if you want to use IFF ANIM files, you need to install a datatype first, e.g. the IFF ANIM datatype of OS3.1! (1063)
Undefined (1064)
Cannot load sample %s ! Make sure you have a datatype for this sample format! If you tried to load a 16-bit sample and get this error, you need to install a sound.datatype replacement because the OS 3.x datatype does only support 8-bit samples. You can get the sound.datatype replacement from http://www.stephan-rupprecht.de/ or from the Hollywood CD-ROM. You do NOT need the replacement on MorphOS 1.x because that already uses a new sound.datatype which supports 16-bit samples! (1065)
Internal limit encountered! Contact the author... (1066)
Cannot find the specified public screen! (1067)
This command cannot handle linked brushes! (1068)
Please use only positive integers for your objects! (1069)
General AHI error! Check your AHI installation and settings! (1070)
Variable length is limited to 64 characters! (1071)
Cannot find label "%s" ! (1072)
Label "%s" was already defined! (1073)
Keywords are not allowed here! (1074)
Constants are not allowed here! (1075)
Invalid seek position specified! (1076)
Constant #%s was already declared! (1077)
This function requires enabled layers! (1078)
This layer is not supported by GetBrushLink()! (1079)
Unknown attribute specified! (1080)
Specified layer is out of range! (1081)
This command cannot be used when SelectBrush() is active! (1082)
Pointer image must be in 4 colors and not wider than 16 pixels! (1083)
Error creating directory %s ! (1084)
Unable to change display size to %s ! (1085)
You cannot specify an initial BGPic together with DISPLAYDESKTOP! (1086)
Cannot open guigfx.library version 20! Make sure that you have at least version 20 installed! (1087)
Cannot open render.library version 30! Make sure that you have at least version 30 installed! (1088)
Division by zero! (1089)
You need at least WarpUP v5.1 for this program! (1090)
Unknown error code! (1091)
You cannot specify string constants here! (1092)
Labels are not allowed in functions! (1093)
Specified animation frame is out of range! (1094)
REPEAT without UNTIL! (1095)
UNTIL without REPEAT! (1096)
Unexpected symbol! (1099)
Variable, closing bracket or "..." expected! (1100)
No loop to break! (1101)
"%s" expected! (1102)
Opening bracket expected! (1103)
Closing bracket expected! (1104)
Opening brace expected! (1105)
Closing brace expected! (1106)
Opening square bracket expected! (1107)
Closing square bracket expected! (1108)
Comma expected! (1109)
Too many syntax levels! (1110)
WHILE condition too complex! (1111)
ASCII code specification is out of range! (1112)
Character constant too long! (1113)
Empty character constant not allowed! (1114)
Decimal point used in hexadecimal value! (1115)
A space is necessary between number concatenations! (1116)
Too many local variables! (1117)
Too many upvalues! (1118)
Too many parameters! (1119)
Too many items in a constructor! (1120)
Too many lines in a chunk! (1121)
Expression or function too complex! (1122)
Control structure too long! (1123)
Colon expected! (1124)
Case expression must be constant! (1125)
SWITCH without ENDSWITCH! (1126)
ENDSWITCH without SWITCH! (1127)
BLOCK without ENDBLOCK! (1128)
ENDBLOCK without BLOCK! (1129)
Attempt to compare a number with a string! (1130)
Wrong data types for concatenation! (1131)
Table %s not found! (1132)
Function %s not found! (1133)
Internal limit reached! Error code %s. (1134)
Stack overflow! (1135)
Code size overflow! (1136)
Constant table overflow! (1137)
Number expected in argument %d! (1138)
String expected in argument %d! (1139)
Table expected in argument %d! (1140)
File was opened in read-only mode! (1141)
File was opened in write-only mode! (1142)
Could not delete file! (1143)
Could not examine %s! (1144)
Could not rename file! (1145)
Specified offset is out of range! (1146)
This command cannot be used when SelectMask() is active! (1147)
Attempt to modify the active background picture! (1148)
Attempt to modify the active brush! (1149)
You cannot use GOTO/GOSUB inside functions! (1150)
You cannot use this reserved word here! (1151)
Could not lock bitmap! (1152)
Hollywood does not run on palette screens! Please switch to a high or true color mode! (1153)
Negative coordinates are not allowed here! (1154)
Specified layer is not an anim layer! (1155)
Brush size does not match specified arguments! (1156)
ENDWITH without WITH! (1157)
WITH without ENDWITH! (1158)
Table field %s was not initialized! (1159)
Labels are only allowed in the main script block! (1160)
Layer name was already assigned! (1161)
Layers must be turned off when using this function! (1162)
Layers cannot be turned on/off while off-screen rendering is active! (1163)
No loop to continue! (1164)
Loop number is out of range! (1165)
Integer value expected! (1166)
This command cannot be used when SelectAlphaChannel() is active! (1167)
Specified pixel is out of range! (1168)
Your picture.datatype does not support alpha channel! (1169)
Image "%s" does not have an alpha channel! (1170)
Unknown pixel format detected! Hollywood cannot run on this screen! (1171)
This brush does not have a mask! (1172)
FOREVER without REPEAT! (1173)
Could not find brush %d! (1174)
Could not find text object %d! (1175)
Could not find anim %d! (1176)
Could not find BGPic %d! (1177)
Could not find sample %d! (1178)
Could not find file handle %d! (1179)
Could not find memory block %d! (1180)
Could not find timer %d! (1181)
Could not find move queue %d! (1182)
String or number expected in argument %d! (1183)
Invalid percent format in argument %d! (1184)
Function expected in argument %d! (1185)
Unmatched parentheses! (1186)
This operator cannot be used here! (1187)
Could not find button %d! (1188)
Number expected in table argument "%s"! (1189)
Callback function was expected to return a number! (1190)
A BGPic needs to be active while calling button functions! (1191)
Invalid hexadecimal specification! (1192)
Too many arguments for this function! (1193)
Could not find interval function %d! (1194)
Could not find timeout function %d! (1195)
Error loading sample to sound card! (1196)
String expected! (1197)
Unexpected end of file! (1198)
Virtual machine data type mismatch! (1199)
Bad integer in bytecode! (1200)
Bad upvalues in bytecode! (1201)
Bad constant type in bytecode! (1202)
Bad bytecode! (1203)
Bad bytecode signature! (1204)
Unknown number format in bytecode! (1205)
Invalid key for next table item! (1206)
Table overflow! (1207)
Table index is NaN! (1208)
This applet requires at least Hollywood %s! (1209)
Unknown section in applet! (1210)
%s is no Hollywood applet! (1211)
Compilation is not possible with HollywoodPlayer! (1212)
File %s does not exist! (1213)
Cannot locate magic key in player file! (1214)
Could not find clip region %d! (1215)
This function is not supported any longer! (1216)
Specified coordinates are out of range! (1217)
Width/height values must be greater than 0! (1218)
Could not find sprite %d! (1219)
Sprite %d is not on screen! (1220)
Unknown preprocessor command @%s! (1221)
Unknown tag "%s"! (1222)
Mask and alpha channel are mutually exclusive! (1223)
Please remove all sprites first! (1224)
Clip region does not fit into the output device's dimensions! (1225)
Please remove clip region before enabling layers! (1226)
Cannot modify a sprite that is on screen! (1227)
Cannot modify a linked sprite! (1228)
Please end double buffering first! (1229)
Double buffering is currently not supported for transparent displays! (1230)
Could not find music %d! (1231)
Music %d is not currently playing! (1232)
Specified seek position is out of range! (1233)
Music and tracker modules cannot be played at the same time! (1234)
Unknown music format! (1235)
Music format does not support this function! (1236)
Table or Nil expected! (1237)
Cannot change a protected metatable! (1238)
Undefined (1239)
Error adding task to the system! (1240)
Error setting up task! (%s) (1241)
Cannot read beyond end of file! (1242)
Wrong backfill configuration! (1243)
Double buffering mode is not currently active! (1244)
Specified length exceeds string length! (1245)
An error occurred while processing the gfx cache! (1246)
String expected in table argument "%s"! (1247)
No applet filename specified! (1248)
Keyfile error! (1249)
%s is not a directory! (1250)
Text format tag after square bracket not recognized! (1251)
Syntax error in text format specification! (1252)
Not enough arguments to this text format tag! (1253)
Error opening default font! (1254)
This font type does not support anti-aliased output! (1255)
Could not create message port! (1256)
ARexx server is not running! (1257)
Rexx interpreter returned an error! (%s) (1258)
Callback function was expected to return a string! (1259)
There is already a port with the name %s! (1260)
Bad data in IFF 8SVX or IFF 16SV file! (1261)
This sound file uses an unsupported compression format! (1262)
Bad data in RIFF WAVE file! (1263)
This music is not in pause state! (1264)
Undefined (1265)
Unknown executable type specified! (1266)
Cannot open audio device! (1267)
Cannot open specified datatype for saving! (1268)
Datatype used for saving returned an error code! (1269)
Error loading animation frame! (1270)
This function cannot be used with layers enabled! (1271)
Short IF statement must be on a single line! (1272)
Your Hollywood.sys version is too old! (1273)
Key "%s" not found in system base! (1274)
Port "%s" could not be found! (1275)
The active screen is not large enough to hold a %s display! (1276)
Error saving PNG picture! (1277)
Hollywood requires at least version 10.4 (Tiger) of macOS! (1278)
Cannot load audio stream as a sample! (1279)
Error creating an audio converter for this format! (1280)
Error installing render callback on mixer bus! (1281)
Error setting file attributes! (1282)
Error setting file date! (1283)
Error setting file comment! (1284)
Invalid date format specification! (1285)
Error locking %s! (1286)
Error setting up thread! (1287)
This feature is currently not supported on this platform! (1288)
Could not allocate audio channel for this sound! (1289)
Error creating unnamed event object! (1290)
Error obtaining sound notification interface! (1291)
Error setting sound buffer notification positions! (1292)
Error starting sound buffer playback! (1293)
Error getting audio file properties! (1294)
Error setting up DirectShow environment! (#%d) (1295)
Error registering window class! (1296)
Error setting up timer function! (1297)
Error allocating semaphore object! (1298)
Hollywood currently only supports 8 or 16 bit sounds! (1299)
This function cannot be used with a minimized display! (1300)
Error creating commodity object! (1301)
Error setting up message port! (1302)
Error converting text to Unicode! (1303)
Error in text operation (ATSUI error)! (1304)
Syntax error in link file database! (1305)
A zlib IO error occurred! (1306)
A zlib stream error occurred! (1307)
Invalid zlib version detected! (1308)
Invalid or incomplete deflate data (zlib)! (1309)
Unknown compression format! (1310)
Specified layer is not a text layer! (1311)
Autoscale cannot be used together with DisplayDesktop! (1312)
Layers cannot be disabled when the layer scaling engine is used! (1313)
Cannot modify object while it is locked! (1314)
Error writing JPEG image! (1315)
Scripts using DisplayDesktop cannot be recorded! (1316)
This command cannot be used while in video recording mode! (1317)
Could not find directory handle %d! (1318)
Music is not currently playing! (1319)
Could not find pointer image %d! (1320)
Error creating pointer from image! (1321)
Cannot find Hollywood function at this offset! (1322)
Invalid Base64 encoding! (1323)
Specified function is not a user function! (1324)
Sprite is not on screen! (1325)
Could not find async draw function %d! (1326)
Cannot free currently active pointer! (1327)
Cannot find Hollywood table at this offset! (1328)
Cannot switch layer mode while async draw is active! (1329)
Unknown video strategy specified! (1330)
Invalid video strategy configuration! (1331)
Cannot find font %s on this system! (1332)
Font %s cannot be linked because it is of a wrong type! (1333)
Could not find font %d! (1334)
Font specification must not be a file! (1335)
Font is in an unsupported format! (1336)
You cannot use coordinate constants here! (1337)
This function cannot be used with disk-based animations! (1338)
This command cannot be used when SelectAnim() is active! (1339)
Attempt to modify the active anim! (1340)
Could not find anim stream %d! (1341)
This feature requires at least MorphOS 2.0! (1342)
Screen doesn't support alpha transparent windows! (1343)
Could not find display %d! (1344)
Cannot use the a single BGPic for multiple displays! (1345)
Cannot free the active display! (1346)
Cannot use this function while display is closed! (1347)
Error adding app icon to Workbench! (1348)
Screen size %s not supported by current monitor settings! (1349)
Cannot switch display mode because of different color resolution! (1350)
Cannot use multiple displays while in video recording mode! (1351)
Cannot use transparent displays while in video recording mode! (1352)
This feature requires at least AmigaOS 4.1! (1353)
Error obtaining system image! (1354)
Error creating system button! (1355)
Animation file "%s" is in an unknown/unsupported format! (1356)
Sample file "%s" is in an unknown/unsupported format! (1357)
Image file "%s" is in an unknown/unsupported format! (1358)
Error allocating signal! (1359)
Error adding app window to Workbench! (1360)
Unknown data format in clipboard! (1361)
Invalid order function for sorting! (1362)
Syntax error in configuration file! (1363)
Failed to open clipboard! (1364)
Error reading from clipboard! (1365)
Cannot change size of a BGPic that is selected into a display! (1366)
You need to select the BGPic's display before modifying the BGPic! (1367)
Error writing to clipboard! (1368)
Cannot find layer "%s" in current BGPic! (1369)
Invalid insert position specified! (1370)
Specified layer already has an async draw object attached! (1371)
Cannot remove layer while it is used by an async draw object! (1372)
Specified name is too long! (1373)
Specified group name already assigned to a layer! (1374)
Error reading from registry key %s! (1375)
Error writing to registry key %s! (1376)
Cannot modify the graphics of a BGPic associated with a display! (1377)
Attempt to modify the BGPic currently selected as output device! (1378)
Asynchronous drawing object is not associated with current display! (1379)
Cannot free display before associated async draw objects have been freed! (1380)
Cannot create sprite link from sprite link! (1381)
Specified sprites must have the same dimensions! (1382)
Cannot trim brush because it is fully transparent! (1383)
Error opening DirectInput! (1384)
Cannot acquire joystick! (1385)
Error initializing freetype2! (1386)
Specified image does not match required icon dimensions (%s)! (1387)
This operation is not supported by the specified brush type! (1388)
Cannot insert a transformed vector brush as a layer! Use draw tags instead of transforming the brush directly! (1389)
This operation is not supported by the specified BGPic type! (1390)
Cannot convert a transformed vector brush into a BGPic! (1391)
Cannot convert a transformed vector BGPic into a brush! (1392)
Could not find path %d! (1393)
Cannot draw empty path! (1394)
You must use the inbuilt font engine for vector text! (1395)
Error setting up vector font! (1396)
Error creating shortcut! (1397)
Access denied! (1398)
Compiling for architecture "%s" not supported by this version! (1399)
This plugin requires at least Hollywood %s! (1400)
Version %s is required at minimum! (1401)
Plugin is incompatible with current platform! (%s) (1402)
Error in image data in file %s! (1403)
Cannot render layer because it is attached to async draw object! (1404)
No joystick found at specified game port! (1405)
This feature is not available in the demo version of Hollywood! (1406)
Demo version script size is limited to 800 lines and/or 32 kilobyte! (1407)
This demo version has expired! Please buy the full version! (1408)
Could not find connection %d! (1409)
The following network error occurred: %s (1410)
Could not initialize base socket interface! (1411)
Could not find server %d! (1412)
Error setting socket options! (1413)
Error obtaining peer name! (1414)
Error obtaining host name! (1415)
Unknown protocol in URL! (1416)
Invalid URL specified! (1417)
HTTP error %d occurred! (1418)
Unsupported HTTP transfer mode! (1419)
An error occurred during data send! (1420)
FTP error %d occurred! (1421)
Receive timeout reached! (1422)
Remote server has closed the connection! (1423)
Unknown error occurred during data receive! (1424)
File %s not found on this server! (1425)
Access denied for specified user/password! (1426)
No permission to upload file to %s! (1427)
Error obtaining socket name! (1428)
Could not find UDP object %d! (1429)
Invalid IP specified! (1430)
Error opening connection to X server! (1431)
Error creating graphics context! (1432)
Error creating pipe! (1433)
Error opening GTK! (1434)
Compositing must be enabled for displays with alpha transparency! (1435)
Error obtaining a visual info that can handle ARGB graphics! (1436)
The Xfixes extension is required for this feature! (1437)
The Xcursor extension is required for this feature! (1438)
Error configuring ALSA PCM output stream! (#%d) (1439)
Error setting environment variable! (1440)
Error removing environment variable! (1441)
Screen mode switching requires the XFree86-VidModeExtension! (1442)
No display modes found! (1443)
Filter "%s" not recognized! (1444)
Missing filter name in table field %s! (1445)
Subtable expected in table "%s"! (1446)
Specified sample value is out of range! (1447)
Table does not contain enough pixels for specified size! (1448)
Could not find video %d! (1449)
File "%s" not recognized as a video stream! (1450)
Cannot pause video because it is not playing! (1451)
Cannot resume video because it is not paused! (1452)
Error obtaining colorspace! (1453)
This function requires QuickTime to be installed! (1454)
This functionality is not available while videos are attached to the display! (1455)
Cannot grab frame while video is playing or paused! (1456)
Specified video frame is out of range! (1457)
Videos cannot be played on top of transparent BGPics! (1458)
Error loading plugin "%s"! (1459)
This functionality requires a vectorgraphics plugin to be installed! (1460)
Invalid capture index! (1461)
Invalid pattern capture! (1462)
Malformed pattern! (ends with "%%") (1463)
Malformed pattern! (missing "]") (1464)
Unbalanced pattern! (1465)
Too many captures! (1466)
Missing "[" after "%%f" in pattern! (1467)
Unfinished capture! (1468)
Error transforming image! (1469)
Error drawing path! (1470)
This command is not available in the mobile version of Hollywood! (1471)
Scripts using DisplayDesktop not supported on mobile devices! (1472)
Multiple displays not supported in the mobile version of Hollywood! (1473)
Transparent BGPics not supported in the mobile version of Hollywood! (1474)
Cannot modify a sample that is currently playing! (1475)
Callback was expected to return a table! (1476)
Invalid callback return value! (1477)
This command must not be called from a callback function! (1478)
Specified pitch value is too low! (1479)
Data item "%s" not found in specified layer! (1480)
Filter patterns can only be used on directories! (1481)
Source file format does not support seeking! (1482)
Plugin type not recognized! (%s) (1483)
This command must only be called while in a music callback! (1484)
You have to install a "FillMusicBuffer" event handler first! (1485)
Unknown image format specified! (1486)
Error saving image! (1487)
Unknown anim format specified! (1488)
Error saving anim! (1489)
Unknown sample format specified! (1490)
Error saving sample! (1491)
Userdata expected in argument %d! (1492)
Assertion failed! (1493)
This program requires %s! (1494)
Absolute path specifications are not allowed here! (1495)
Data item "%s" not found in specified object! (1496)
Hardware brushes cannot be used here! (1497)
This functionality is currently not supported for hardware brushes! (1498)
Format saver does not support alpha channel! (1499)
Video is paused. Use ResumeVideo() to resume playback! (1500)
Video is already playing! (1501)
Invalid percent format in table argument "%s"! (1502)
Incompatible screen pixel format detected! (1503)
Cannot free display before attached satellites have been detached! (1504)
Error creating icon from image! (1505)
Error retrieving full path from shortcut file! (1506)
Unknown MIME type for extension *.%s! (1507)
Cannot find viewer for extension *.%s! (1508)
Cannot attach thread to Java VM! (1509)
Cannot find activity "%s"! (1510)
Cannot call this command while in BeginRefresh() mode! (1511)
Video object is already in use as a layer on a BGPic! (1512)
This functionality is not supported for video layers! (1513)
Video layers are only supported by Hollywood's platform independent video renderer! (1514)
Specified layer type does not support this functionality! (1515)
Video is already stopped! (1516)
Use functions from layers library to change attributes of video layers! (1517)
Cannot set adapter! (1518)
This functionality is not available with this display adapter! (1519)
Cannot load plugin: %s (1520)
Error loading plugin symbol: %s (1521)
Error allocating bitmap! (1522)
This functionality is not available when using display satellites! (1523)
Error reading pixels from hardware bitmap! (1524)
Cannot free display while hardware double buffering is active! (1525)
Cannot allocate hardware bitmap while display has not been realized! (1526)
Hardware brush is incompatible with the current display! (1527)
Error adding system event! (1528)
This file adapter does not support seeking! (1529)
Error closing file handle! (1530)
Cannot find plugin %s! (1531)
Plugin %s has already been loaded! (1532)
Error registering application! (1533)
This functionality is only available for system-registered applications! (1534)
Cannot find application %s! (1535)
Error sending message! (1536)
Could not find menu %d! (1537)
Menu tree definition is too complex! (1538)
Error creating menu! (1539)
Error obtaining visual info! (1540)
Error setting menu strip! (1541)
Cannot free menu while it is still attached to a display! (1542)
Cannot find menu item %s! (1543)
Specified display does not have a menu attached! (1544)
Empty menu trees are not allowed! (1545)
Tag expected! (1546)
This functionality is not supported in full screen mode! (1547)
Error creating application docky! (1548)
Error updating dock icon! (1549)
Tree has already been defined for this menu! (1550)
Context menus must only contain a single tree! (1551)
This functionality is not available for vector brushes! (1552)
Application does not expose a context menu! (1553)
Error creating accelerator table! (1554)
Cannot find monitor %d! (1555)
Monitor %d is already in fullscreen mode! (1556)
Specified monitor is out of range! (1557)
Error obtaining monitor information! (1558)
Cannot find an appropriate screen mode for this display! (1559)
The Hollywood Player only supports compressed applets! (1560)
Error grabbing screen pixels! (1561)
Error allocating audio channel! (1562)
Syntax error in tag format! (1563)
Error allocating alpha channel! (1564)
Error allocating mask! (1565)
This functionality is only available to applets compiled by Hollywood %s or higher! (1566)
Music is paused. Use ResumeMusic() to resume playback! (1567)
Music is already playing! (1568)
Invalid parameter for console argument! (1569)
Error determining file size! (1570)
Error examining file system object! (1571)
This server requires user authentification! (1572)
Table field "%s" must be specified! (1573)
Image "%s" does not have a transparent pen! (1574)
Legacy audio driver does not support playing multiple Protracker modules at once! (1575)
Specified audio channel is out of range! (1576)
File format error! (1577)
Error linking plugin %s! (1578)
Failed to execute program! (1579)
Error opening AmigaGuide file %s! (1580)
Pattern to complex! (1581)
Invalid use of escape character in replacement string! (1582)
Invalid replacement value! (1583)
Encoding not recognized! (1584)
Invalid UTF-8 sequence encountered! (1585)
Cannot include applet because it uses a different encoding than the current script! (1586)
Conflicting encodings specified! (1587)
Invalid UTF-8 string in argument %d! (1588)
Error drawing string using Core Text! (1589)
A Core Foundation allocation error has occurred! (1590)
Error grabbing frame from video stream! (1591)
Cannot find selector %s! (1592)
Conditional compile preprocessor commands must be first in line! (1593)
ELSEIF after ELSE! (1594)
ELSE used twice! (1595)
No block to break! (1596)
No block to fall through! (1597)
Table expected! (1598)
Table needs to have at least one item! (1599)
Error moving file! (1600)
Radio and toggle menu flags cannot be combined! (1601)
Error generating random number! (1602)
Compiling applets or executables isn't supported in the trial version! (1603)
Video recording isn't supported in the trial version! (1604)
The trial version doesn't support scripts bigger than 16kb! (1605)
Including files isn't supported in the trial version! (1606)
Error initializing video device! (1607)
Could not find icon %d! (1608)
Selected image parameters don't match normal image parameters! (1609)
Icon size used twice! (1610)
Icon file \"%s\" is in an unknown/unsupported format! (1611)
There can be only one standard icon size! (1612)
Specified icon entry is out of range! (1613)
Vector brushes must be the only icon entry! (1614)
Hollywood only supports a single display on this platform! (1615)
Error creating texture! (1616)
Error creating surface! (1617)
Error creating renderer! (1618)
Could not find serial connection %d! (1619)
Error initializing serial interface! (1620)
Error opening serial port %s! (1621)
Serial I/O error! (1622)
Send timeout reached! (1623)
Unknown error occurred during data send! (1624)
Plugin doesn't support this feature! (1625)
Error rewinding directory! (1626)
Error monitoring directory! (1627)
Java method \"%s\" not found! (1628)
Number expected! (1629)
Error changing directory to %s! (1630)
Function expected in table argument \"%s\"! (1631)
Attempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary! (1632)
Cannot yield a C function! (1633)
Coroutine expected in argument %d! (1634)
This error is for internal use only. (1635)
Cannot resume dead coroutine! (1636)
Cannot resume non-suspended coroutine! (1637)
This command has been disabled by a plugin! (1638)
Error serializing item! (1639)
This data type cannot be serialized! (1640)
Error deserializing item! (1641)
Could not find async operation %d! (1642)
Image file \"%s\" does not have a palette! (1643)
Image data does not have a palette! (1644)
This function cannot be used with palette images! (1645)
Palette pen is out of range! (1646)
Incompatible pixel color depth! (1647)
Error allocating palette bitmap! (1648)
Could not find palette %d! (1649)
Specified palette depth is out of range! (1650)
Current BGPic does not have a palette! (1651)
Unknown standard palette type specified! (1652)
Specified fill style cannot be used with palette images! (1653)
Palettes cannot be used together with a desktop display! (1654)
Hardware double buffers cannot be used in palette mode! (1655)
Unknown icon format specified! (1656)
Error saving icon! (1657)
This function can only be used in palette mode! (1658)
This function cannot be used in palette mode! (1659)
Cannot find CyberGraphX or Picasso96! To use Hollywood without either CyberGraphX or Picasso96, you need to install the Plananarama plugin! (1660)
Error getting menu attributes! (1661)
Error setting menu attributes! (1662)
Error setting tray icon! (1663)
You must use the inbuilt font engine when specifying font files directly! (1664)
A Media Foundation error has occurred! (1665)
Error getting interface addresses! (1666)
Cannot insert a transformed vector anim as a layer! Use draw tags instead of transforming the anim directly! (1667)
This functionality is not available for vector anims! (1668)
Error starting video playback! (1669)
Error during text conversion! (1670)
Cannot insert a transformed vector text object as a layer! Use draw tags instead of transforming the text object directly! (1671)
Specified layer group doesn't exist! (1672)
This functionality isn't supported for merged layers! (1673)
Cannot remove layer that is part of a merged layer! (1674)
Error allocating image! (1675)
This function is only available in advanced console mode! (1676)
Terminal doesn't support color mode! (1677)
A console error has occurred! (1678)
Could not find console window %d! (1679)
Error creating console window! (1680)
Attempt to free parent before child! (1681)
Error initializing AmigaInput! (1682)

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