GetDate -- get current date
date$ = GetDate([type])
This function can be used to query the current system date and time. Date and time can be returned in various formats depending on the value passed in type.

The following formats are currently recognized by type:

This is the default format. If type is omitted, GetDate() will fall back to this type. #DATELOCALNATIVE will return the date in the system's language. For example, on a German system September 4th 2002 will be returned as "04.09.02" but on a system in the USA it would be "09.04.02". Note that the time isn't returned at all for this type.

This will return the date in Hollywood's standard date and time format. It looks like the following:

dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss

September 4th 2002 at 3.16pm and 23 seconds would look like this in the default Hollywood notation:

04-Sep-2002 15:16:23

This notation is also used by other Hollywood commands, for example by the following commands: GetFileAttributes(), SetFileAttributes(), FileAttributes(), and CompareDates().

Note that even though #DATELOCAL is the most common type for this function, it is not the default due to historic purposes. #DATELOCALNATIVE is the default type. (V4.5)

If you pass #DATEUTC for type, GetDate() will return the current UTC date and time. The UTC date and time will be passed in Hollywood's default date and time notation (see above). (V7.1)

date and time format that should be used (V4.5)
current date and time in the desired format

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