SetBaudRate -- set baud rate for serial port connection (V8.0)
SetBaudRate(id, baud)
This command can be used to set the baud rate for the serial port connection specified in id. This serial port connection must have been opened using OpenSerialPort() before. You have to pass the desired baud rate in the baud parameter. This must be one of the following special constants:

300 bits per second.
600 bits per second. (V9.0)
1200 bits per second. (V9.0)
2400 bits per second.
4800 bits per second.
9600 bits per second.
19200 bits per second.
38400 bits per second.
57600 bits per second.
115200 bits per second.
460800 bits per second.

identifier of the serial port connection to use
desired baud rate

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