StartPath -- begin a new path (V5.0)
[id] = StartPath(id)
This command can be used to create a new path object that will be made available under the identifier id. Alternatively, you can pass Nil as id. In that case, StartPath() will automatically select an identifier and return it to you.

Once the new path is created, you should first define a current point for the path by calling the MoveTo() command. After that, you can start adding vertices to the path.

A vector path is a root object for an infinite number of sub-paths. You can think of a vector path as a collection of an infinite number of separate polygons. Each sub-path within a vector path can be regarded as a separate polygon. Keep in mind, though, that when you draw a vector path using DrawPath() you can only specify a global color that will be used by all sub-paths within the vector path. Thus, it is not possible to use different colors within a single path object. If you need to use another color, you need to create a new path object first.

identifier for the new path or Nil for auto id selection
optional: identifier of the new path; this will only be returned when you pass Nil as argument 1 (see above)
See DrawPath

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