multi:SocketAction -- reads/writes available data given an action
running = multi:SocketAction(socket, mask)
When the application has detected action on a socket handled by libcurl, it should call multi:SocketAction() with the socket argument get to the socket with the action. When the events on a socket are known, they can be passed as an events bitmask mask by first setting mask to 0, and then adding using bitwise OR (|) any combination of events to be chosen from #CURL_CSELECT_IN, #CURL_CSELECT_OUT or #CURL_CSELECT_ERR. When the events on a socket are unknown, pass 0 instead, and libcurl will test the descriptor internally. It is also permissible to pass #CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT to the socket parameter in order to initiate the whole process or when a timeout occurs.

At return, running contains the number of running easy handles within the multi handle. When this number reaches zero, all transfers are complete/done. When you call multi:SocketAction() on a specific socket and the counter decreases by one, it DOES NOT necessarily mean that this exact socket/transfer is the one that completed. Use multi:InfoRead() to figure out which easy handle that completed.

The multi:SocketAction() functions inform the application about updates in the socket (file descriptor) status by doing none, one, or multiple calls to the socket callback function get with the #CURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION option to multi:SetOpt(). They update the status with changes since the previous time the callback was called.

Get the timeout time by setting the #CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION option with multi:SetOpt(). Your application will then get called with information on how long to wait for socket actions at most before doing the timeout action: call the multi:SocketAction() function with the socket argument get to #CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT. You can also use the multi:Timeout() function to poll the value at any given time, but for an event-based system using the callback is far better than relying on polling the timeout value.

socket to use
mask to use
number of running handles

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