2.4 Emulation settings

On AmigaOS and compatibles, Malibu comes with a settings program that allows you to fine-tune the Scala emulation. You can start the settings program from the Plugins menu in the Hollywood GUI or from Workbench. The settings program will write your settings to the file malibu.ini which is stored in the same directory as the main malibu.hwp executable. You can also modify malibu.ini directly - see below for instructions.

On all other platforms there is no dedicated settings program. Instead, you have to modify malibu.ini directly. The file malibu.ini must be stored in the same directory as the main malibu.hwp executable. If it isn't there yet, just create it. Below all options that can be set in the settings program on AmigaOS and compatibles are described. At the end of the description of each option, you will find the key to set in the malibu.ini settings file so that you can enable or disable certain options by manually editing malibu.ini. For example, to enable script looping add the following line to malibu.ini:

Loop script=True

The following things can be configured:

Emulation options:

Animation options:

Transition effect options:

Export options:

Miscellaneous options:

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