3.3 Loading PDFs as anims

Alternatively, Polybios offers to load an entire PDF document into a Hollywood anim object. You can then access the individual pages by simply obtaining the anim's frames.

Here's how to load a PDF document as a Hollywood anim:

LoadAnim(1, "test.pdf", {FromDisk = True})
For Local k = 1 To GetAttribute(#ANIM, 1, #ATTRNUMFRAMES)
   DisplayAnimFrame(1, #CENTER, #CENTER, k)

The code above shows all pages of a PDF document. You need to press the left mouse button to skip to the next page.

Note that we set FromDisk tag to True in our LoadAnim() call. This is very important because otherwise all PDF pages will be loaded and buffered in memory which can be a huge waste with larger PDF documents.

Of course, you could also load the PDF document with the @ANIM preprocessor command instead of LoadAnim().

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