page:SetSize -- set page size and direction
status = page:SetSize(size, direction)
page:SetSize() changes the size and direction of a page to a predefined size.

The size parameter must be one of the following constants:

8.5 x 11 inches (612 x 792 pixels)
8.5 x 14 inches (612 x 1008 pixels)
297 x 420 mm (841.89 x 1199.551 pixels)
210 x 297 mm (595.276 x 841.89 pixels)
148 x 210 mm (419.528 x 595.276 pixels)
250 x 353 mm (708.661 x 1000.63 pixels)
176 x 250 mm (498.898 x 708.661 pixels)
7.25 x 10.5 inches (522 x 756 pixels)
4 x 6 inches (288 x 432 pixels)
4 x 8 inches (288 x 576 pixels)
5 x 7 inches (360 x 504 pixels)
4.125 x 9.5 inches (297 x 684 pixels)

The direction parameter must be one of the following constants:

Set the longer value to vertical.
Set the longer value to horizontal.

predefined page size value (see above)
the direction of the page (see above for possible values)
status code
#HPDF_INVALID_PAGE - An invalid page handle was set.

#HPDF_PAGE_INVALID_SIZE - An invalid size was set.

#HPDF_PAGE_INVALID_DIRECTION - An invalid direction was set.

#HPDF_FAILED_TO_ALLOC_MEM - Memory allocation failed.

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