pdf.LoadPage -- load page from PDF document (V1.1)
pdf.LoadPage(id, page[, loadtext])
This function can be used to load a page from the PDF document specified by id. The page to load must be specified in the page argument. It must be a number in the range of 1 to the total number of pages in the document. The PDF document specified by id must have been opened using pdf.OpenDocument() before.

If the optional argument loadtext is set to True, pdf.LoadPage() will also load the page's text. This is necessary if you want to use functions that deal with text on a PDF page, e.g. pdf.GetText() or pdf.FindStart().

When you're done with the page, you should call pdf.FreePage() to free its resources. This is also done automatically when calling pdf.CloseDocument(). See pdf:FreePage for details.

identifier of the PDF document to use
page number to load (starting from 1)
optional: True if the page's text should be loaded (defaults to False)

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