34.1 Overview

Pageview class derives from Area class and is a container for multiple pages of widgets, displayed as one page at a time. When using this class, you only have to supply a number of groups constituting the pageview's children. These children can then be visualized in a number of ways, depending on the Pageview.Mode attribute which determines the widget that is used to browse through the pages. The following widgets are currently available for that purpose:

When setting up a pageview, you need to use the Group.Title attribute to define title texts for your pageview children. You can also use the Group.Icon attribute to add icons for your pageview children.

Here is an example of a three page pageview group:

   <vgroup title="Page 1">
   <vgroup title="Page 2">
   <vgroup title="Page 3">
       <button id="btn">Click me</button>

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