FreeLibrary -- free library initialization (V5.0)
void FreeLibrary(lua_State *L);
This function must free any initialization done by InitLibrary(). Any cleanup that requires a valid lua_State must be done here as the lua_State is no longer there once ClosePlugin() is called.

Note that when compiling for 64-bit Windows, this function must be called _FreeLibrary instead. Otherwise there will be clashes with the function of the same name from kernel32.lib. On 32-bit Windows this isn't a problem because 32-bit Windows uses decorated function exports. Starting with Hollywood 10.0, it is recommended to use the hwp_ prefix before all plugin function exports. If you do that, you can just export this function as hwp_FreeLibrary without having to use a different export name for 32-bit and 64-bit builds but keep in mind that the _hwp prefix works only on Hollywood 10.0 or better.

pointer to the lua_State

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