GetLibraryCount -- get number of libraries to install (V6.0, optional)
int c = GetLibraryCount(void);
This function is optional and must only be implemented if the HWEXT_LIBRARY_MULTIPLE extension bit has been set. See Extension plugins for details. In that case, GetLibraryCount() has to return the total number of libraries your plugin wants to install. Hollywood will call your GetBaseTable(), GetCommands() and GetConstants() functions as many times as this function requests so that you can add more than one library into the system. Before calling these functions, Hollywood will first invoke your SetCurrentLibrary() function to tell you whose library's commands, constants or base table you should return. See SetCurrentLibrary for details.

The value to be returned by GetLibraryCount() is 1-based so a return value of 1 means there is just one library to install. In that case, of course, it wouldn't be necessary to use the HWEXT_LIBRARY_MULTIPLE extension at all.


the total number of libraries to be installed by this plugin

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