hw_RegisterEventHandler -- register a new event type (V5.2)
int id = hw_RegisterEventHandler(STRPTR name, void (*evtfunc)
             (lua_State *L, int type, APTR userdata));
This function allows you to register a new event type. The user will then be able to listen to events of this type by installing a new event handler for this type by using the Hollywood function InstallEventHandler(). Whenever you want this event handler to trigger, you have to post an event to Hollywood's event queue using the hw_PostEvent() or hw_PostEventEx() function.

You have to specify a name for the new event type. This name must follow the conventions for Hollywood variables because the user will need to use this name when installing a handler for this event type using Hollywood's InstallEventHandler() function. Thus, the name you specify here must not clash with any existing event handler names and it must not use any spaces or special characters. It has to start with a letter from the English alphabet.

In parameter 2, you need to pass a function pointer to hw_RegisterEventHandler(). This function will be called whenever Hollywood is about to run the callback that the user has installed for the event using InstallEventHandler(). Your function may then push additional values on the stack. When evtfunc is called, Hollywood will have already pushed a table to the stack and it will have set the Action field of that table to the name of your event for consistency with inbuilt Hollywood events. All other values that your event handler may want to provide to the user's event callback should also be stored in that table. Note that you must implement this function even if you do not want to push any additional values on the stack. evtfunc must not be NULL. The user data that is passed to evtfunc as the third parameter is the same pointer that you provided in the call to hw_PostEvent() or hw_PostEventEx().

This function is also available as an extended version. See hw_RegisterEventHandlerEx for details.

Designer compatibility
Supported since Designer 5.0

name for the new event type (see above for limitations in the event name format)
function that should be called when running user callbacks for this event
identifier of the new event handler or 0 on error

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