Cancellation policy
You may cancel your order within one month, without having to state a reason, either in writing or
by returning the goods. The cancellation period starts upon the receipt of this cancellation instruction, but
not before the receipt of the ordered items and also not before fulfillment of our information
duties in accordance with article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 para. 1 and 2 EGBGB
as well as our duties in accordance with § 312e para. 1 sen. 1 BGB in connection with
article 246 § 3 EGBGB. To comply with the cancellation period, it is sufficient to
return the items in time or declare the cancellation in time. Cancellations must be
sent to
In case of an effective cancellation, mutually received services are to be returned together
with any potential profits gained from these very services (e.g. interest). If you cannot return
the received item(s) completely, or if you can only return them in inferior condition,
you will possibly have to compensate us for the respective loss of value. This does not apply if the
deterioration in value is a direct result of an item examination as it could be done in a local
store. You do not have to compensate us for deteriorations caused by conventional use of
the item. Shipment for returned items is paid for by us.
In accordance to § 312 d para. 4 no. 2 BGB software is exempt from this cancellation policy
and cannot be returned as soon as the seal locking the media is broken. In case of the online
delivery of software (e.g. via email, download, or an unlocking code) you do not have the right
to cancel the order either because the transmitted data are not apt for cancellation due to their
very nature (cf. § 312 d para. 4, no. 1 BGB).