pdf.FindPrev -- find previous instance of search string (V1.1)
res = pdf.FindPrev(id, page)
This function can be used to continue a search operation initiated by pdf.FindStart(). Specifically, pdf.FindPrev() will find the previous occurrence of the search string passed to pdf.FindStart(). If another instance of the search string could be found, pdf.FindPrev() will return True and you can get the information about where the string was found using pdf.GetFindResult(). Otherwise, False is returned.

The page to use must be specified in the page argument. It must be a number in the range of 1 to the total number of pages in the document and the page must have been previously loaded using pdf.LoadPage() with the text argument set to True. The PDF document specified by id must have been previously opened using pdf.OpenDocument().

identifier of the PDF document to use
page number to search (starting from 1)
True if the search string could be found, False otherwise

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